
The Amtrak Wars Epub

The Amtrak Wars Epub 9,9/10 1485reviews

Well, a long time agoin a comperter room far far away i was a member of the patrick tilley forum, for a time it was good, talking with like mided peoples from far away places about a truly great set of books. When i was in the forum the hot topic was book 7 and the return of steven brickman from the 'dead'. The forum however was closedand still, years later is unopened. I'm worried, is mr. Tilley dead or ill or was it someting else like a eager young british brat that had too little to do at school so almost swamped the forum with comments, well only mt. Tilley can tell us.

The Amtrak Wars Epub

The imporetant thing is a) is mr. Tilley alive and well and if so will a 7th book be written so we, the loyal fans can see if the federatiuon wins out or if the combo of brickman and mute powers can win. Another small point is about the other people in the book, the fog people, how and what are they. And, would a 'AMTRAK only' forum be fun. Well, a long time agoin a compertuer room far far away i was a member of the patrick tilley forum, for a time it was good, talking with like mided peoples from far away places about a truly great set of books. When i was in the forum the hot topic was book 7 and the return of steven brickman from the 'dead'. The forum however was closedand still, years later is unopened. Global Blue Tax Form there.

I'm worried, is mr. Tilley dead or ill or was it someting else like a eager young british brat that had too little to do at school so almost swamped the forum with comments, well only mt. Tilley can tell us. The imporetant thing is a) is mr. Red Alert 2 Full Version Pc here. Tilley alive and well and if so will a 7th book be written so we, the loyal fans can see if the federatiuon wins out or if the combo of brickman and mute powers can win.

Another small point is about the other people in the book, the fog people, how and what are they. And, would a 'AMTRAK only' forum be fun. To Michael B ha ha. I like that idea you can jusr imagin satan, shouting at brickman and bricknam just 'what every2 ing hi, ha i checked out that old thread and i was still woundering if the patrick tilley forum member could maybe be contacted and told that there is a new forum being set up, as it is a shame that fans of amtrak and other partick tilley books can't swap ideas and talk some times. Not sure about the fog people being inuits but it's a good idea, i had th eidea that it might be renagades or something or even a new clan of mutes or iron masters/long dogs. Any way good to see someone is still interested, sorry i haven't posted much as i was quite busy. To rob b does that not suggest that a forum would be a good idea, mayby every moderator could be given a writer or two and told to moderate a forum on that writers book (if he/she is that good) or books ( if he is really good) i think that would be a good idea that would attract more vistors and hope people would join the forums meaning the web site would get more interesting with more people to talk with ( or something like that ).